The Willows, Wolverhampton




Wolverhampton City Council




BCSE SEN School of the Year 2011

The Willows is a new school and community building for WCC, which has replaced two existing schools. The school has been designed for pupils with special needs, and includes a hydrotherapy pool.

A combination of natural and mechanical ventilation has been used for the class spaces to provide a mixed mode solution. A central energy centre adjacent to the building houses a wood chip biomass boiler, with condensing gas fired boilers as top up.

The scheme was delivered in several phases, the last of which was completed in 2011 when The Willows won BCSE SEN School of the Year award.

E3 Consulting Engineers LLP is registered in England and Wales. Registration Number: OC 350589

E3 Consulting Engineers LLP is registered in England and Wales. Registration Number: OC 350589