Theatre Royal, Bath




Theatre Royal


Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios


South West Built Environment “Heritage” Award 2011: Highly Commended

BCIA Conservation Project of the Year 2011

This was a major refurbishment of the Main House at the Theatre Royal in Bath, following our involvement with the conversion of the adjacent Ustinov Theatre.

Work included the upgrading of the existing heating, power, ventilation and control systems together with the refurbishment of key public places within the building. The majority of the work was carried out while the theatre was operational.

Winner of the CBCIA Conservation Project of the Year 2011 and Highly commended in the South West Built Environment “Heritage” Award 2011.

E3 Consulting Engineers LLP is registered in England and Wales. Registration Number: OC 350589

E3 Consulting Engineers LLP is registered in England and Wales. Registration Number: OC 350589